
Come visit my new environmentally friendly abode...

How, Mr. Movie Critic Guy, can your new site be considered environmentally friendly, you ask? Well, because over at usesoapfilm.wordpress.com I use maily recycled junk that I write for this site, smart ass! That's right, I've got more time to waste, so I decided to instead of wasting time on such trivial things as "raising children" and "doing housework," I'd start duplicating everything I do here, but with even more pictures, links and other fun stuff. Also, you may want to check out another site in here titled deltechfilm.blogspot.com devoted to all things film related for students at Delaware Tech (info on screenings, student film group activities and the like). What does this mean for you? Well, there are now even more opportunites to send in your bile-filled rants, citing my ineptitude as a film critic and taking personal pot-shots (I'd rather refer to my nose as 'chisled,' not 'beak-like,' thank you very much). So head over to usesoapfilm.wordpress.com . It's like the using the really nice public restrooms, as opposed to the busy ones at the airline terminals where you are continually getting your foot bumped by those guys with 'wide stances.'

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